How to choose the best headphones

How to choose the best headphones

Headphones are both a want and a need. You want them for entertainment and need them for work. But if you do not do research beforehand, you will find yourself staring blankly at a wall of headphones without knowing what to choose. There are four different types of headphones, excluding earphones and headsets. Headphones vary in sizes and function.

The most common way to differentiate between headphones is by their size. The on-ear headphones tend to be the smallest headphones. As the name indicates, these headphones sit on the ear. Because of their small size and their lack of full coverage of the ear, they do not isolate background sound. They also experience sound leakage, which means the person next to you is likely to hear what you are listening to. Their small size is convenient as they are lightweight and fit in any bag. On-the ear headphones tend to be used by people who work in an office where being completely isolated from the office is not beneficial. 

Over-the-ear headphones are larger than on-ear headphones. They are also known as full-size headphones as they rest on the part of your head around the ear. This creates a seal to your ear and naturally blocks out sound and also eliminates sound leakage, which means you will hear your music louder without having to turn up the volume to the max. Their large size allows the headphone to have a larger driver, reproducing music more accurately than smaller headphones. Because they cover the whole ear, the ear cup is designed with foam for added comfort. 

You may also come across noise-cancelling headphones. These look and sit like over-the-ear headphones but have an extra design feature that classifies them as noise-cancelling. This also makes them bulkier than other headphones. There are two types of noise-cancelling headphones, passive and active. The large size of the ear cup creates a seal around your ear eliminating outside sound, which classifies these headphones as passive noise-cancelling. Active noise-cancelling headphones have technology that emits a sound, which blocks out background noise. You will hear more low-frequency detail in your music and you can also hear it louder without turning up the volume. This feature places them in a higher price bracket. They are ideal for traveling or long commutes. Click here to find out more about noise-cancelling headphones. 

For those who dislike wires, a Bluetooth headphone is what you need. Connect virtually to any device. Smartphones, tablets, iPhones and computers can connect to your headphone without wires through Bluetooth. They are most common for people who run or workout that do not want a cord flapping around and possibly getting their earphones pulled out of their ears. Because Bluetooth headphones have their own battery built into it, this means you will have to recharge them unlike regular headphones. Look for a headphone that has extended battery life so charging does not become an inconvenience. 

You want the headphones you choose to be comfortable and durable. Listen to music for 10 minutes with the headphone you plan to purchase. This will help you determine the comfort.